Poppy, the Duchess of Greenlake

By Katie, PAWS staff

Her golden eyes are impossible to resist.

Found as a stray on a highway outside of San Antonio, Duchess was given a second chance at life and brought to PAWS. I saw her the day she arrived at PAWS, and she was a very nervous and scared dog. She was a duchess, but she didn’t seem to know it yet. I fostered her for two weeks while she recovered from kennel cough, and both of our lives were never the same. Duchess slowly blossomed into her best self as Poppy, the Duchess of Greenlake, and I slowly fell head over heels in love.

Poppy had a long journey with an unknown past, and after just a few weeks, she overcame her fear of stairs, pooping on a leash, riding in the car, and children. With time, patience, and a whole lot of love, Poppy learned to trust again.

Now, Poppy’s favorite things are zooming up and down stairs, riding in the car, saying hi to every child and dog she sees, learning tricks, doing doggy yoga, and going on long walks, hikes, and runs. Poppy is loving the changing Seattle seasons, using fall as an opportunity to tear up crunchy leaves and rainy days as a chance to run through puddles.

In the short time I’ve had her, Poppy has completely transformed into a new dog and has found her inner royalty. This sweet girl gets to go to work with mom every day, where she tricks all of the humans into not working and doting on her instead. She has learned that gazing at you with her golden eyes is impossible to resist.

Poppy is the queen of my world and I am so grateful to PAWS for giving her a second chance and changing my life in the process.

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